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D.C. Bar Communities


The Communities are the voluntary arm of the D.C. Bar. 有21个社区旨在为会员提供福利和机会来发展您的网络,同时保持专注于实践特定的职业发展. 他们由社区委员会领导,社区委员会负责监督特区政府的运作.C. 通过促进社区范围内的节目和内容,促进酒吧社区计划, volunteer opportunities, and member engagement initiatives. 每个社团(法律学生社团除外)由一个由当选成员组成的五人指导委员会领导. 这些领导者致力于开发和实施内容项目, networking opportunities, and other events for their members.

How can I learn more about D.C. Bar Communities?

To learn more about D.C. Bar Communities, please visit http://y1.opeluk.net/communities or contact [email protected].

How do I join the D.C. Bar Communities?

You may join online today or by phone at 202-626-3463.



There are two membership options:  

  • 标准:总共89美元(一个社区会员每月少于8美元), 对于那些喜欢提前计划远程出勤并获得额外会员折扣的人来说,这是完美的吗.
  • Premium:共计$130(一个社区会员每月少于$11), 对于那些想要通过在活动之前的任何时间注册节目来灵活连接/参与并享受重大会员折扣的人来说,这是完美的吗.

比较两种会员资格的好处,了解更多 clicking here.

As someone who is not a D.C. Bar member, could I join Communities?

Yes, you do not have to be a D.C. Bar member to join Communities. 非大靠谱的滚球平台公会会员若欲加入D,费用稍高.C. Bar Communities. The membership dues for D.C. Bar members is $89; the subscriber fee for other individuals is $139. If you have not already done so, you will need to create an account. 一旦你建立了一个帐户,你就可以通过你的个人资料加入社区. You can also contact [email protected] for more information and pricing.

我参加社区计划与D有什么关系.C. Bar membership?

社区计划是靠谱的滚球平台协会的自愿会员,不受强制性靠谱的滚球平台会费的资助或支持. 您支付的社区会费将使您有机会在您确定的实践领域加入和/或更新社区. 有21个社区旨在为会员提供福利和机会来发展您的网络,同时保持专注于实践特定的职业发展. 参与社区项目并不授予D的成员资格.C. Bar.  如果你加入一个社区,而不是首先成为靠谱的滚球平台协会的成员, you join as a subscriber rather than as a member. 订阅者有权获得与会员相同的活动通知和折扣.  However, 订户不允许在社区指导委员会任职, vote in Communities elections, or chair Community program subcommittees. 订阅者不被许可在哥伦比亚特区执业法律.

How do I register for my Community programs?

You may register for any D.C. Bar Community program at our Events page,或者您可以致电202-626-3463用信用卡付款. 如果你对注册有疑问,可以发邮件 [email protected].


Click here to read our Multimedia Disclaimer.

I joined Communities because of a great series. Will I be able to sign up for these for free?

作为社区会员免费注册收看系列节目, 您需要在项目开始前的社区成员注册早鸟期注册, based on space availability. To get free access to series programming, 会员可以通过在线早鸟注册程序分别注册每个活动. 要注册所有系列会议在一个捆绑,将收取费用. 

How do I cancel my D.C. Bar Communities membership?

To cancel your D.C. 酒吧社区会员,购买后60天内,请联系社区办公室 [email protected] or 202-626-3463.

Who are the current Community leaders?

你可以找到社区委员会和指导委员会的领导名单 here.

How do I join a steering committee?

指导委员会成员由各社区的一般成员选举产生,任期三年. 要了解更多关于竞选职位的信息,请访问我们的 Communities Elections page. 

How do I contact the Communities?

  • 有关社区成员、领导或福利的问题,请发送电子邮件 [email protected]

  • For questions regarding Community events, email [email protected]

  • 有关注册社区项目的问题,请发送电子邮件 [email protected]

  • 所有一般查询,请致电社区办公室热线202-626-3463